ZTI understand how important your computer systems and processes are to the growth of your small, middle, or large organization. ZTI is committed to excellence, prudence, and believes and understands that return on investments (ROI) in Information Technology is not a given, but takes careful requirements specification, planning, acquisition, implementation, and training. There are so many choices that are available for any one situation, that careful planning is needed to minimize failure, and maximize outputs.
Making the wrong decision can end up costing your business thousands of dollars and lots time in productivity. As business moves in “internet time”, your information technology infrastructure should afford you the ability to adjust to burgeoning business trends no matter your industry. To this end, ZTI Technology can be your information technology partner to help you meet your present and future business requirements no matter how fast your business grows and industry changes.
Corporate Office
13712 155 Street
Jamaica, NY 11434